Field And Rules



General rules

  • The regular season consists of teams each playing in 15 games. Every series is three games, and each team plays in five series per year
  • The playoffs consist of the best two teams per division
  • Roster sizes consist from 3-5 players, 5 players is the most a team may hold.
  • All active and reserve players are under control of their specific team unless they are traded or cut. Only the team captain can perform trades or cuts. Trades must receive verbal approval from the league commissioner
  • The trade deadline is before the final slate of games in the regular season
  • If a player is cut, they effectively become a free agent. Any team then has the opportunity to sign that player as there are no restrictions on where that player can sign next. There is no waiver order system


  • 3 innings of regulation, if tie, extra innings will be played until winner is determined
  • 3 outs per inning
  • 4 balls to walk, 3 strikes for strikeout
  • A pitch is considered a strike if the ball hits anywhere on the strikezone or its pvc pipe border, if it hits the support, it will be ruled as a ball
  • The mercy rule per inning is 6 runs on offense per any team, there will be no mercy in the 3rd inning or beyond
  • Only 3 players will be allowed in the field on defense; 1 pitcher, 2 outfielders. The outfielders may be changed during any point of the game.
  • If there are only two defensive players (1 pitcher, 1 fielder), pitcher’s poison will be in effect. The pitcher has to be standing inside the designated zone (mound), in order to get the lead runner out. If it is a close play, the umpire will make the official call.
  • Outs are recorded by strikeouts, flyouts, force outs, tagging a runner off of any base, or pegging a runner off of any base


  • If a batter is hit by pitch, it will be ruled as a ball. If a runner gets walked, they then have the option to not take the walk, they may only do that once a game.
  • There are intentional walks (You may intentional walk one batter per game). Intentional walks may be performed through a verbal action.
  • If a batter is thrown four balls or intentionally walked, they must take the walk, unless they choose not to.
  • A player cannot lean in intentionally on the plate to get hit by pitch, that will result in an automatic strike.
  • All legal bats that must be used are the official yellow WIFFLE bats.
  • If a player is found using an illegal bat, then a fair ball hit with that bat will be ruled as an out. If a player is caught using a corked bat, the same effect will be in play.
  • Players are allowed to switch bats at any time during their at bat.
  • Players are allowed to bring in custom bats, although they must be legal.


  • The pitcher needs to be touching the rubber with their foot on his/her motion.
  • There are no balks.
  • If a pitcher gets taken out of the game, he may only re-enter one more time.
  • Pitcher must wait for batter and production team (Cameras/announcer) to be set before throwing the pitch.
  • Pickoffs are allowed (Must peg the batter before he gets to the bag to be ruled an out).
  • The pitcher cannot be in motion towards the plate before attempting a pickoff, if so, it will result in the runner being safe no matter the outcome.
  • If someone is on first for a pickoff, he/she can either tag the runner or can peg the runner for an out.
  • If someone is stealing, the pitcher or an outfielder are allowed to either tag the runner or peg the runner for an out.

Boundaries/field of play

  • If the ball goes over the fence on a bounce or under the fence, the hit it is ruled as a ground rule double
  • If a player catches the ball over the fence, it will be judged as to when they caught the ball. A player must have a portion of their body in play in order for it to be ruled an out.
  • If the ball is thrown home and hits either the strike zone or the drop net (Net that catches the wiffle balls), the runner is ruled out.
  • If a ball is thrown home and hits the backstop or goes behind it, the ball will be ruled dead and the runners may not advance.
  • If a ball is thrown out of play, each player is awarded one free base
  • The ball has to touch or be inside of the foul lines to be within fair territory. If the foul lines are worn out, the umpire will judge on whether it is a fair ball or not.
  • The ball has to reach the bunt line or go past it (line in front of the pitchers mound) in order for it to be called a fair ball
  • If a ball is hit above a foul pole, the umpire will have to determind whether the ball is fair or foul
  • If a player hits one of the foul poles in the air while it is over the height of the most nearby fence, it will be ruled as a homerun
  • The out of bounds at Legacy Field has multiple components. In the street, in the garden in front of the house, or behind the backstop. However, It is still legal to catch anything in the air beyond these extended lines. It is not legal to catch a ball beyond the homerun fence line.


  • Baserunners can be considered out via force outs, tagging or pegging.
  • Runners going home can be called out via force or tag if the ball hits the strikezone or backstop before they reach home plate. (Assuming a no force situation, the runner must be at least halfway past third base with full intent on going towards home to be called out. Umire discretion may be necessary here.)
  • Stealing is allowed (you have to start moving before the pitcher is in motion, if you go while he is in motion, your stolen base will not count).
  • Players may lead off, although they may only lead off 1 step.
  • If a player runs out of the baseline to avoid a peg/tag, they are considered out.
  • Players may tag up, if they tag too early and don’t get back in time, they are considered out.
  • Players can get doubled or tripled up.
  • If a runner is pegged but the ball still hits the ground first, the runner is declared out.
  • Pinch running is allowed at any point during the game.
  • Sliding into bases is allowed.
  • If a fielder is in the runners baseline, the runner should step around them if possible. If a fielder intentionally impedes a runner from advancing, player interference will be called and the runner will be awarded the next base. 
  • If a runner gets in the way or interferes with the fielder intentionally, the runner is out
  • Players can be ruled out if they fail to touch a given base. The opposing team must appeal to the umpire in order for this call to be initiated.
  • If a batter hits the ball and it hits a runner in the air or on the bounce, then the runner is ruled out.
  • If a team has multiple baserunners on, the runners may switch positions if desired.
  • For a team with a 2/3-man lineup, ghost runners serve when necessary. Ghost runners advance as many bases as they are forced to from the runner behind them. Ghost runners are out via force based on the runner behind them.
  • If a ball is thrown out of play, the runners on base may be awarded one free base.
  • If a player gets hit by a ball, and if the ball hits the ground, the runner is still called out.


  • 2-3 players are allowed in the field during the game, including the pitcher.
  • Anyone in the lineup can serve as one of the two non-pitching fielders. Non-pitching fielders (outfielders) can be changed at any time in-between innings, unless there is cause for change, such as an injury.
  • A play is blown dead and time is called when the pitcher has the ball on the mound with all current baserunners stationary at a base.
  • If there is a live ball that makes contact with a fielder, then proceeds to go over the fence, a home run is called.
  •  The infield fly rule does not apply.
  • If a player on defense touches a ball fair, but then the ball goes foul, it will still be considered a fair ball

Instant replays

  • All instant replays will be initiated by the umpire
  • Any given play is allowed to be reviewable except for called balls and strikes
  • There are three possible rulings that can be called as a result of instant replay: CONFIRMED, STANDS, or OVERTURNED
  • If the replay shows clear evidence of the initial call being correctly made, the call is CONFIRMED and the initial call is final
  • If the replay does not show clear evidence of the initial call being correctly made or incorrectly made, the call STANDS and the initial call is final
  • If the replay does show clear evidence of the initial call being incorrectly made, the call is OVERTURNED and the corrected call is final